Can I add levels to the Interior category (ie, Level 2, Main Level, Basement)?
Yes, we’ve recently added the ability to either add a new level/floor or duplicate an existing level/floor that you may have already created within a project. To add a new level, which can be either a new floor or unit, simply tap on the 3 purple dots next to the main structure title i.e. Dwelling on the TAG screen, and select Add Interior Level. To duplicate an interior level (Floor or unit) that you have already created, simply tap on the 3 purple dots next to the Interior category on the TAG screen, and select Duplicate this Level. Also, if necessary, you can rename of the Dwelling folder category and/or the Interior folder by tapping on the same 3 purple dots and selecting “Rename” (Building 1 > Basement > Main Level > 2nd Level > 3rd Level)